Monday, March 18, 2013

My 2012-2013 Reading List

Learning is not just a phase in our lives that we leave behind us at graduation.  If we want to be effective and get more enjoyment out of our careers, families, spiritual lives, and even hobbies, we need to be lifelong learners.  I have just started embracing this principal and this is a list of books that I have either read in 2012, or plan on reading by the end of 2013. (I actually listen to them on Audio book)
It may seem like a lot of books, but I listen while I'm doing other things like exercising, walking the dog, relaxing, or driving.  I'm always looking for a few more books to listen to, so give me your suggestions in the comments section.

1 comment:

  1. I've read a few of these books too & I really liked In a Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day by Mark Batterson & Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick
    Another good book by Steven Furtick is Greater. I know you've read it but for the others out there who don't just want to be good at something or even great at something but want to tap into God's power in their lives allowing them to be's a good book!
    Thanks for the post.
