Tuesday, August 21, 2012

To Give or Not To Give?

That is the question posed by my friend, and fellow pastor, Kevin Finkbiner in his blog post titled "What Would You Do If She Asked You?".  It is also a question we have all asked and often times we are struggling with the answer at the very moment someone asks us for something.  In Kevin's blog, he walks the tension of 2 Th 3:10 - “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”and Gal 6:10 - "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people...".  Let's explore the bible and some practical steps we can take to be both good stewards and good to all people.

I take stewardship of God's resources and the value of giving as great importance in my spiritual development.  I am also a big proponent of personal responsibility and not aiding people in the destructive cycles currently in their lives.  How do we know when to give and when not to give?  Here are  few things to consider that might help navigate those waters.

  • Examine Your Heart - "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." - Mt 6:21. Where is your treasure?  Is it in debt payments or various niceties that make your life comfortable?  Are you storing up treasures in heaven through giving?  If on careful reflection, you find that are very selfish with the resources trusted to you, you need to make a plan to change that.  If you are unable to feed your family because you give everything away, you need to re-prioritize.
  • Make a Budget - "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." - 2 Cor 9:7. Create a budget and put giving at the top.  You can figure out a percentage or an amount that you wish to give (above the tithe) each month for various charities or individuals and either spend it, or set in a separate savings account to be used as God directs you later.  Do not be put on the spot, unsure of if you can even give.  Ask God at the beginning of the month what you can do that month to give to someone in need.
  • Listen to The Spirit - "After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper." - 1 Kings 19:12. Sometimes God will nudge you and it usually comes in a way that you normally wouldn't think.  Last Christmas, I was doing my last minute Christmas shopping and as I was about to enter the store, a young lady squatting on the ground with her head down asked if I can spare some money.  I asked her what she needed it for and she told me to buy presents for her children.  I could feel the shame and desperation in her voice, so I gave her what I had in cash, which was $2, and entered the store.  Just then I heard my internal voice say "go take her shopping".  I was in a hurry and fought the feeling off as I tried to find what I was looking for.  Was it God or was I under compulsion?  I realized it was God, but rather than follow the original call to take her shopping, I decided to get $20 cash back on my way out and give her the money.  When I walked out of the store, she was gone.  I looked around the parking lot hoping to find her but, to my shame, I missed my opportunity.  It was my deepest regret the entire year.  If I had only listened, I could have touched several lives, including my own, and pleased God.
  • Don't Contribute to Destructive Patterns - "Don't give a drunk a drink." - Unknown.  This one speaks to our principles.  What you do either helps move someone forward in life or it keeps them in their destructive pattern.  I won't help someone who begs with a cute cardboard sign about how they will use the money on booze or asking where their bailout is.  I'm not helping them by keeping them in the begging business.  There are others that you can tell just can't function in our society and only need a little food.  One thing you can try is going to a couple fast food establishments (Subway if you value nutrition) and get gift certificates at the beginning of the month with the money you had set aside to give in your budget.  Keep them in the car and help someone that you can tell needs it.  This will take some discernment, but again, listen to The Spirit on these cases.  It's not your job to fix their behavior but ask how can I help point them in the right direction?  Then do what will help them.
That's a good place to start because there is a lot more to this issue and a lot more scripture to know and use. These are a few steps you can take immediately to be on your way to becoming a generous giver and a responsible steward.


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